Thursday, June 21, 2012

Games at the Show - Apocalypse

Welcome to our Games at the Show feature in which we will be talking to the creators of some of the games being shown at the End of Year Show. Today we have Apocalypse, created by Jonathan English, Kin Chan and Jenny Rowe.

What's your game called and what is it about?

Apocalypse, it's a collapsing city with obstacles crashing down blocking your path to escaping.

What inspired you while designing it?

What inspired us was thinking of how exciting it could be if we were avoiding objects but while they were terraforming the platform, so we always had this image of crashing buildings changing the landscape to make it more difficult to get past.

Is there any cool, unexpected stuff you can do in the game?

The more cool stuff is more like seeing what is being thrown because it's quite a surprising and thrilling factor because you won't know what's actually going to happen whether you're gonna be hit by a rock or fall off a platform.

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